Greg Roach's Berkshires Blog
Monday, March 02, 2009
  Woo Hoo!!
After hearing that I had been mentioned on a Topix thread I just had to go read it.... and within a few comments I got my first anonymous-coward-personal-attack.
Roach is nothing more than pro union nut who thinks he knows everything,just ask the people he works with,a Williamstown wanabee.
It's kinda' like my Topix Bar Mitzvah.

UPDATE: A respected emailer suspects the anonymous coward is a local media employee. NOW I'm curious.
welcome to the club....

Funny Greg, I don't see you as a "rubber stamp" kind of guy - and as POD has told us over and over - strong Mayor, weak council. I'm surprised they can find 9 people to put in the time required and have as little power as they do.
How's that Monty Python sketch start? "The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about"?

Course it ends with "His Majesty is like a dose of the clap" but the similarity ends at the beginning.

The Topix boards are the answer to the question: "how much worse can the anonymous internet name-calling and crap-spewing get?" You know it's coming, you pro union know-it-all, you.

Cmon, announce already. I'd vote for you. Besides, you haven't been too subtle about using the blog as a soapbox...:-)
HEY! where's mine. I want one too.
You want anonymous bashing? Try being an elected official and goggling your name. People are a lot braver (and ruder) when they can kick the #%$* out of your anonymously. Welcome to the club

Look at it this way, in order for your to be the target of the bashers, you have to had said or posted something relevant. That's more than most do.
Topix serves the same function at our local newspapers as trashcans do at convenience stores. It's where the unfortunates throw their losing lottery tickets.
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