Corn Wars
Peter May's
take-down of corporate corn is worth the read. I saw that the post was in the printed version of
The Transcript, but it is not online.
I noticed
the letter to the editor that triggered Peter's comments. It was a long winded public relations form letter from the Corn Refiners Association that obviously gets sent out when a Google search turns up negative comments about refined corn products. It was in response to a simple comment in an article from a coffee shop owner that she did not use high fructose corn syrup.
I've become used to the corporate machine PR trying to monitor its own press, (anybody remember
Blue Cross of Massachusetts' visits to the site 37 minutes after I complained about them on this blog?) so it did not escape me that corn is heavily subsidized, hence much of the money that pays for the salary of the letter-happy folks at the CRA are actually our tax dollars. It's just the way corporate welfare works. Lobbying groups are created with subsidized tax dollars in order to keep the financial spigot open.
I'll monitor the location of blog hits and let you know if I get any from the Corn Refiners Association triggered by the words "high fructose corn syrup." My bet is that they'll be here by Monday morning.