Why Airline Pilots Deserve to Make a Lot of MoneyThis guy.
¶ 6:56 PM
I keep hearing people describe the landing as a "miracle." Nothin' miraculous about it - just a pilot using his training and using it well.
Whatever they're paying him, they should double it. And to all those who think unionized employees are overpaid and incompentent, I present Captain Sully as counterexample #1.
Mad props to the crew as well, for keeping it together in a bad situation.
Oh, and the idiot talking heads. I sat in Flint for 5 hours yesterday underneath an airport news channel TV, (no place else to go-Flint's terminal is really small) waiting for a busted airplane to become un-busted, and I thought I was going to lose my mind.
Apparently the most important qualification to get on the TeeVee is to be able to talk really loudly and confidently for hours on subjects that you know absolutely nothing about.