Financial crisis provides the opportunity to do things that would otherwise be unpalatable. As
I sorta' deciphered from his remarks to the Globe, the Mayor thinks Conte Middle School is gonna'
go buh-bye:
Despite Gov. Deval Patrick's promise to forego cuts to Chapter 70, or school aid, funding, Mayor John Barrett III says the school department isn't in the clear: The city will most likely shut down the aging Silvio O. Conte Middle School next year to help compensate for the loss of funds this fiscal year and next.
The proposed informational meetings where the mayor will be seeking input from residents are a wise move.
As a manager, whenever I have had to make across-the-board cuts, I have almost always put the issue before my staff and asked - "How can WE best get through this?"
People are usually willing to share burdens if they believe it is for the greater good.