January 20th, 2009
It is now midnight on one of the more historic days of my 40 years as an American citizen and I just want to mark this place in time. The inauguration of President Obama is one of those few moments that I can easily predict my great-great grandchildren will be reading about. Far too often the events that make the history books have a sudden tragic or scandalous bend - 9/11, Katrina, Pearl Harbor, JFK, Watergate, etc... Not today.
In my lifetime I cannot think of an American event that has been entirely and deliberately part of the process of our republic and been as positive and, well, hopeful. You don't have to like Obama (and I know at least a few of you are already convinced that he is akin to the anti-christ) to understand the significance of his presidency from a purely human perspective.
Say what you will about Obama's performance over the next four/eight years, but 100 years from now, January 20th, 2009 will get its own mention for no reason other than the simple fact that it happened. I do believe that today has been a visit to
a mountaintop.