Guaranteeing The Right to Vote
Over the past 8 years I have gotten into several heated discussions over the
Republican's well documented vote suppression. Usually I hear all about in response is "voter fraud", which when pressed, none of those claiming dead people voting etc... can come up with anything other than screaming about Chicago's Mayor Daley in 1960 and the ACORN kids who faked registrations because they were paid a commission for each new registrant.
In other words, the Republicans are lying about a non-existent problem to to justify suppressing votes in poorer, more Democratic areas.
So I proposed the following question be asked at the Presidential Debates:
Do you, Senator Obama/McCain, support the introduction and passage of a Constitutional Amendment guaranteeing the right to vote to all legal citizens of the United States?
The reaction from the Republicans would tell you all you need to know about their belief in (small "d") democracy.