Martin Luther King Jr. at least left behind a model of how to repair the social fabric. He was scholarly, formal, assertive and meticulously self-controlled in public. If Barack Obama’s presidential campaign represents anything, it is the triumph of King’s early-60s style of activism over the angry and reckless late-60s style. King was in crisis when he was gunned down. But his inspiration is outlasting his critics.The New Republic's Spencer Ackerman gets it just about right when he comments on Brooks' column:
Forty years ago today, a madman from David Brooks' America murdered our prophet. For a variety of reasons I obviously wish King had lived. But one of them is so we would have seen the right unmasked. Had King not been martyred, the right would treat him like it treats Jesse Jackson -- as nothing more than a "hustler" or a "huckster." You know, all those two-syllable words that are supposed to mean a different two-syllable word that starts with an N.If you don't believe me, check out this thread at the always entertaining far-right site,
To: pinochetThere's plenty more where that came from. If King had survived to modern times, I could just hear the Rush Limbaughs of the world mocking him and doing Al Jolson-esque impersonations on the radio.
King was a communist agent who worked to implement slavery worldwide. He was elevated to “sainthood” by the left, much as algore and obambi are today.
6 posted on 04/04/2008 7:31:42 PM PDT by Eagles6 ( Typical White Guy: Christian, Constitutionalist, Heterosexual, Redneck)
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To: tired1
King belonged to two dozen identified Communist organizations which were, at that time, identified by J Edgar Hoover.
Today they are called "progressive" organizations.
7 posted on 04/04/2008 7:45:34 PM PDT by oldtimer
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To: pinochet
If we have to put up with saturation media coverage of MLK every April on the anniversary of his assasination can we please do away with his holiday???
8 posted on 04/04/2008 7:46:41 PM PDT by blue state conservative
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