Greg Roach's Berkshires Blog
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
  Healthcare Around the World
Last night's Frontline report on the best practices of universal healthcare from other countries is extremely informative. It puts the many lies of the free-marketeers up front and central without being combative.

Very rarely do I feel ashamed of the values put forward by our political leaders. Healthcare is one of those times.
The reason that American politicians support the so called free market health care is that they are paid by the special interest. The big pharmacertical industry, the insurance corporation all spent big money lobby keeping them in profit. Ambulance chasing lawyers also want to be in the game. The argument about free market competition was created to prevent changes. In the end, every big fat corporation, law firms, wealthy businessmen are winning. The only loosers are the poor, sick people (But they are supposely dispensable in this so called "Christian compassionate nation", and because they're poor, they don't have a voice, thus no one hears/knows about them anyaway). Anyone who ever thinks that no need to change about health care in the US is a fool. Even G.W. Bush, not a very bright person himself, had admitted that it is in shamble. Do people who support whatever that has the word "private" attached to it really understand what it means? "Private" implies that the profit making is not sharing with you. It is for a selective club, and you're NOT in it. If anyone who is so selfish arguing that he/she doesn't want to pay for other person's health care, then that person should think again. Any thing can happen and will happen to anyone. Don't just think that you're fine, living alone in an island, and don't EVER need any help from society.
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