Tool Time
The Eagle provides two great examples of "being a tool" over the last two days.
- Bill O'Reilly has made Great Barrington a central front on the War on Christmas. My suggestion to the selectmen in Great Barrington - Next time a Fox News producer shows up at your meeting - just laugh at every question he asks you and tell him you buy a lot of books. Maybe you could wear Santa Hats as well.
- The Curnins are still only speaking through their lawyers which is rather ironic since they claim to want to speak, themselves, at Egremeont's annual "Town Meeting." Perhaps they should just hire a lawyer who is registered to vote in Egremont to speak for them.
And an honorable mention for the most poorly considered
story lede goes to The Eagle's Connor Berry who in his piece on the Curnins writes:
They never meant to make a federal case out of it — literally or figuratively.
Umm, then why did they go to court? Doesn't The Eagle have editors?