The Amusing Local Quote of the Day
Armand Delisle's conservative viewpoints have been strangely missing from the letters to the editor section for the past year or so. Today, He's Back! In an otherwise predictable but respectable
rant against Dr. Peter May's latest, Mr. Delisle offers up a new tidbit of wisdom while referring to talk of impeachment:
"What does all this [liberal] hate rhetoric do? It contributes to our losing standing in the world community."
Hahhahhaahhahaahahahhahahhahhaa! MAKE IT STOP!!!
Then again, Pic says something interesting a little further down:
"I surely don't agree with everything the president is doing."
My sides hurt! Oy!
If you remember Mr. Delisle's published commentaries from 2003 and 2004, you will remember that saying something similar would have been 'emboldening the terrorists.'
I appreciate other perspectives, but give me a break with the not-so-subtle co-opting of your opponent's language and points of view.