Indisputable Effects
The Transcript's
editorial today touches on the subject of anonymity in the news. It is interesting that Glenn chose the angle of anonymous reader comments, which must be very frustrating for him when someone has something worthwhile to add to a discussion, but refuses to go on the record.
One of the things I've noticed in the past four years is that there are a lot of people in the area that are afraid to speak their minds publicly. I am sure that much of the hesitancy is out of sheer New England politeness - "If you can't say anything nice...."
But there are obviously some who are afraid of the potential repercussions should they speak out against certain ideas or entities. Whether these fears are real or imagined is probably only discernible on a case by case basis. However, I assume that most of the readers of this blog have heard stories or rumors about a phone call to someone's boss or inspectors showing up at oddly coincidental moments.
Are these stories true? Maybe. Maybe not. But their effect is indisputable. People are afraid of the wrath of everything from the large employers in the area to city hall.
And that is no way to live.