Greg Roach's Berkshires Blog
Monday, April 30, 2007
I wonder what the local public high schools would do in case like this:
"The principal of Gig Harbor High School said Thursday that a school official should not have shown the parents of a student the video-surveillance footage of the girl kissing another girl in the cafeteria. And he vowed that such an incident wouldn't happen again.

But Principal Greg Schellenberg said an investigation has found that no rules or policies were broken.

"It wasn't a violation of policy and procedure ... but we all agree it was not a good use of surveillance," Schellenberg said. "It was an abnormal use of our equipment and it won't happen again. This is not a Big Brother institution."

Even so, a spokesman for the American Civil Liberties Union of Washington said the group plans to look into the matter.

"I have a hard time believing this incident would've been handled the same way if it was a heterosexual couple," said spokesman Doug Honig.
I used to live a few miles from Gig Harbor. It is the town just on the other side of the famous Tacoma Narrows Bridge, whose collapse everyone has seen a million times - Cute place, but a somewhat conservative haven compared to neighboring towns. Their State Rep walked out of the Chamber in protest a few years back when a Muslim cleric gave the daily nondenominational prayer after 9/11. You also might remember it as the home to the stripmall parking lot where, in 2003, the Police Chief of Tacoma infamously murdered his separated wife in front of their kids and then turned the gun on himself.

All that said, how would a situation of PDA in the school cafeteria, by a young gay couple, be handled in the supposedly liberal Berkshires? Any different than a hetero pair?
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