Greg Roach's Berkshires Blog
Thursday, November 02, 2006
  The Nature of Blogging
This space is my little journal. I share thoughts and things that I find interesting. Not everyone will agree with what I post, just like folks don't always like what I get into print. This tends to be the nature of most blogs.

Others, like Andy Etman, have a very different take on national politics than I do. If I disagree to the point where I have something to say, I give him my opinion in his comments. Usually it is a friendly relationship.

However, it seems we've had some (self?)important visitors who actually hold positions of stature.

You know who you are. Hi!

If you don't like what you see, leave a comment, email ( or call *me*. Don't bitch to people who you think have influence over me. Complaining behind people's backs is cowardly and it tends to come back to bite you in the ass.

Glass houses and stones.... you get the picture.
Well Greg---I do have a position of stature---if being a City Councilor fits the bill---but I really have no idea who you work for---and the only bitching-- as you call it-- has been on the local blogs--- maybe you are not referring to me---good -because I have not complained about you to anyone--yes I think you are a pompous "know it all"---and I know that you have been at odds with others---some of whom may have that "stature" that you reference---but count me out of your equation---but I have absolutely no idea who may or may not have "influence" over you----and I am sorry that you have some depressing family events in your family----I lost my father last Christmas Day (age 95) and since I am an only son--- I have not been able to deal with it---I hope all goes well --God bless you--and keep the faith---chbpod
Thanks for the kind words.

As I said, the person(s) to whom this post is directed at will know that I am typing at them.
Fair enough-I truly hope that all goes well---chbpod
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