What does Egypt's Dictatorship and your Local Cable Company have in common?
Answer: Neither wants you to watch the most comprehensive coverage of the revolt in Egypt on Al Jazeera.
Al Jazeera English: Live Stream - Watch Now - Al Jazeera English
Should I Fire the Blog Back Up?
It's been about 8 months, since I last posted. Does anybody still read this thing?
Like many, I've started using Facebook to post all the quick hits and passing thoughts that used to make it onto the blog. But what I've noticed is that I no longer write anything longer than a paragraph, and when I post a story to Facebook about anything controversial or political, hardly anybody comments.
I tend to think the lack of comments is because it is such an open forum and literally the hundreds of friends that everyone has not only *can* see your thoughts, but *will* see whatever you write. Politics (and religion) have rarely made good dinner party conversation precisely because of the potential to offend or annoy. Hence Facebook tends to be more about happy things, or social things, or family, etc...
When I write that Michelle Bachmann is loony or that my local city council is considering a rule change, I don't expect my mostly Republican high school friends, or my cousins, etc... to give a damn. But here, I might get some interaction from various parties, known or anonymous.
Frankly, I don't mind telling people what I think. The old adage, "If you can't say something nice..." tends to only apply in personal interaction in my book. Public policy as well as those who live in the public realm must suffer the slings and arrows of folks like me. And I have taken my own share of criticism, as well. It comes with the territory.
But such commentary is not Facebook. So if I spend the time to put my thoughts to writing, will anybody care? That is the question I am asking.